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Brendan Simmonds Concrete Constructions

Are you looking for a reliable concrete supplier with expertise in a range of designs?

Brendan Simmonds Concrete Constructions are here to help! Currently providing service to the Camperdown and surrounding areas, our hard working team are not only reliable, but also committed to working with our clients for all their desired designs.

Our wide range of services include:

  • Shed Floors
  • Patios
  • Footpaths
  • Driveways
  • Crossovers
  • Carports
  • Concrete panels
  • Dairy Yards
  • Feed Pads

At Brendan Simmonds Concrete Constructions we pride ourselves on the completion of larger jobs, ensuring a smooth finish on flooring for sheds and yards. Using a range of special techniques including stencil, exposed, colored and decorative concrete, we are able to accommodate all your concreting requirements. With years of experience in the industry, we know how to turn your dreams into reality.

For all your concreting needs, contact us today!

Local Business Directory servicing Camperdown, Cobden, Colac, Mortlake, Terang, Timboon, Simpson & surrounding areas